Top 5 Companies with Green Initiatives

Posted on May 25, 2022May 25, 2022

There are many benefits to green initiatives. By choosing to implement these practices, these 5 companies are not only helping the environment but also improving the business and supporting a healthier community. #5 eBay To reduce its environmental impact by 2023, eBay has set out to achieve the following goals: Reduce carbon footprint by 50% Reduce water consumption by 50% Reduce waste sent to landfill or incineration by 75% #4 Wager Beat Wager Beat is an online gambling website. For … Continue reading “Top 5 Companies with Green Initiatives”

Soil Degradation Is a Real and Pressing Issue

Posted on May 25, 2022May 25, 2022

Soil degradation is a real and pressing issue. Every year, we lose an estimated 24 billion tonnes of topsoil due to erosion – that’s the equivalent of one tennis court-sized area of soil being lost every five seconds. Not only is this loss of topsoil bad for the environment, it also jeopardizes the food security of future generations. With the world’s population expected to exceed 9 billion by 2050, it’s crucial that we take action to protect our soils. Soil … Continue reading “Soil Degradation Is a Real and Pressing Issue”

Why Should We Use Eco Bags?

Posted on May 25, 2022May 25, 2022

Educational resource on using ecological purses and bags. Why should people carry them? What issues do they solve? Their pros are that they are biodegradable and strong; they also look more attractive! When they break down they dont leave any harmful residues behind as petroleum oil does. Their usage is banned in many countries around the world because they pollute the landfills. However, there are bags that are made of biodegradable material like cornstarch or tapioca roots. They do not … Continue reading “Why Should We Use Eco Bags?”

Most Popular Online Payment Methods in 2022

Posted on January 5, 2022January 5, 2022

In this day and age, the majority of transactions are done using online payment methods because of how fast and easy it is. With a click of a button, you can pay for the service of your choice, so it’s only natural that people will gravitate towards this idea. But the question arises: “How should I choose the payment method that suits my needs?”, and to help you with just that, let’s go over the most popular and secure online … Continue reading “Most Popular Online Payment Methods in 2022”

6 Simple Ways to Help the Environment

Posted on January 5, 2022January 5, 2022

If you have social media, there’s a big chance you saw the news about climate change, and how it may affect us in the future. Some people brush it off as something insignificant, thinking it’s not going to affect them directly, but some actually pay close attention to it as they should. Let’s talk about tips on how to save our planet! Given the largeness of the topic, we may just think that one person can’t change anything, so what’s … Continue reading “6 Simple Ways to Help the Environment”

Tips To Reduce Your Environmental Impact On The Internet

Posted on July 30, 2021July 30, 2021

It is not a secret that the Internet has become an integral part of our lives. It’s been estimated to consume 20% of all global electricity. That energy expenditure is projected to double or triple by 2025 as more people take advantage of broadband access. It’s hard for some people to understand just how much impact our daily internet activities have on the environment. Most devices are designed with short battery life, so there isn’t much need for power conservation. … Continue reading “Tips To Reduce Your Environmental Impact On The Internet”

How Software Companies Try to Be Eco-Friendly

Posted on March 9, 2021March 9, 2021

Is it possible for software companies to develop eco-friendly practices? Can software ever be green? Sustainability or eco-friendliness stands on a foundation of three pillars—economy, society, and ecology. Software companies have to consider all the possible effects of their products on the economy, society, and environment before developing truly green software. Also, they must consider the software’s complete life cycle, right from the stage of planning it through its distribution, installation and use and finally its disposal. That means software … Continue reading “How Software Companies Try to Be Eco-Friendly”

Eco plastic in the world

Posted on December 7, 2020December 7, 2020Tags , , , , , ,

Greenpeace has prepared a study on plastic pollution, in which it assessed the effectiveness of large companies in the fight against disposable plastic. RBC publishes one of the chapters In response to growing public concern about disposable fossil fuel plastics, many companies are switching to biodegradable plastics, which are often mistakenly advertised as biodegradable or compostable. Coca-Cola, Danone, Nestlé, PepsiCo use bioplastics to replace some conventional plastics in beverage bottles. Many packages or disposable cutlery, plates, etc. for takeaway food … Continue reading “Eco plastic in the world”

An eco-bag is our everything

Posted on December 7, 2020

Is it worth talking about how convenient and practical it is? You will understand this yourself when you start using it regularly (if you have not already started). Eco-bags are usually made of natural or synthetic materials using industrial waste or recycled materials. They are durable, easy to wash, take up little space and do not wear out for a long time. It is easy to guess that eco-bags are thrown away much less often and decompose much faster than … Continue reading “An eco-bag is our everything”

How bad is it?

Posted on December 7, 2020

Yes. Even so. Oxodegradable bags turn into microplastics, and the production of hydro-biodegradable bears a large environmental footprint. And both species do not decompose at all in the existing conditions. Therefore, do not be fooled by the tricks of marketers: a package labeled “biodegradable” is still the same plastic package with destructive additives that only aggravate the situation, allowing this plastic to migrate freely around the planet (and you wanted the best). It turns out that the use of such … Continue reading “How bad is it?”