Our planet is currently facing a variety of environmental challenges Some of these are local while others are universal to all nations. We will present to you the top ten significant environmental issues that we face today.
1. Climate change
Global warming is believed to be the primary factor in the climate’s change in the last few years and its consequences will be evident over the coming century. All governments around the world are battling to stop the damaging effects of climate change. On the one hand they all pledge their willingness to tackle the issue, as demonstrated in the existence of important global agreements, including Kyoto Protocol. Kyoto Protocol, on the contrary, not a single actions have been taken. A fascinating study has been conducted concluding that there is just one viable option to limit the temperature rise by 2 degrees Celsius (which is the threshold for the risk of climate change) that is the economy of developed countries need to end their own growth and adopt a non-growth approach.
2. Energy
Energy production is a major cause of environmental damage most of which is due to the burning of fossil fuels. Gas, coal and oil power stations are the major energy source for electricity across the globe and are responsible for the majority of greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere. There are, of course, alternatives to energy sources, like wind, solar and hydroelectric power stations however they are able to only meet a tiny portion of the total energy requirements. Growing how much energy is generated by energy sources that are renewable is perhaps the primary measure to stop environmental degradation due to electricity production.
3. Water
As the continent with the lowest population of the globe, Australia is particularly vulnerable to the effects of water pollution. Numerous other cities suffer from water shortages and are forced to enforce water restrictions. Agriculture is the primary reason for watercourse degrading as well as pollution throughout Australia. Poorly managed irrigation practices as well as the release of pesticides and fertilizers in this sector are the primary factors that contribute to water pollution.
4. Biodiversity and the use of land

The mismanagement of land has caused the degrading of valuable ecosystems and disappearance of irreplaceable diversity. Australia itself (and where it has the leading position) is home to more than 1,500 species of terrestrial life that are currently listed as endangered and does not seem to slow down. It is essential to realize that the essential resources we require to live our lives are not taken from the atmosphere, but supplied by the abundance of diverse ecosystems. The production of oxygen as well as natural water filtration pollination and nutrient cycling are all the results of a complicated process of wildlife that humans are just one part of. So disappearing biodiversity as a result of environmental degradation is threatening our human lives too. This is why preserving and sustaining the natural beauty in nature has vital importance for all living organisms.
5. Chemicals, toxic chemicals, and heavy metals
While toxic chemicals and other substances are found naturally in nature, over the past 250 years, human beings have actively destroying the environment by introducing man-made substances. There are a variety of sources for the destructive effects they cause and the damage they cause can be devastating and especially so in the realms of agriculture and heavy industry. An environment that has been contaminated with harmful chemicals can be very difficult to remove and in the real world only a few people take it on consistently. While at the same time cutting down on pollution by harmful chemicals and reducing the amount released is a crucial aspect of protecting the natural environment.
6. Air Pollution
When we think of issues that are related to air pollution, the majority of us think of the greenhouse gases that are released. But there are other types of negative effects that impact our environment. The burning of fossil fuels, particularly coal, creates a variety of compounds , in addition to the carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) which is well-known to everyone. The nitrogen and sulfur are the byproducts of coal combustion that could cause environmental issues. Acid rains caused by these substances can damage both the built and living environment. Air pollution is also due to the release of dust and other chemicals into the atmosphere that can affect human and animal health.
7. Waste Management
Waste management issues have caused a myriad of environmental issues across the globe. Modern society has dramatically increased the quantity of garbage, that is continually replenished because of the constant rate of production and processing which is due to the growing of the population as well as the need to provide it with. To decrease amounts of trash created by businesses, governments and even individuals are urged to reuse waste materials and make use of recycled materials. This decreases the amount waste to be processed and decreases the need mine mineral resources and other minerals to create new products. Also read about milestonecard.com/activate.
8. The depletion of the Ozon layer
The depletion of the Ozon layer is due primarily by the leakage of chlorofluorocarbons also known as CFCs in the atmosphere. When CFCs enter the upper levels in the air, they cause the molecules of ozone to break down and create holes in the ozone layer, the most extensive of which are located in the Antarctic. In addition, the Ozone layer is crucial as it is able to block ultraviolet radiation from sun, which could cause significant injury to living organisms as well as cause cancer. To help decrease the depletion of ozone chlorofluorocarbons was prohibited in numerous industries.
9. Oceans and Fisheries
In many parts of the oceans of the world there is a depletion of fish stocks. Important fish species are suffering dramatic declines in population. The cod crisis (the rapid decline of cod populations due to fishing) Atlantic cod population due to fishing) is a prime example of how people are willing to take advantage of the world’s natural resources until they are at risk of disappearance. There are many other species of fish as well as marine life that are suffering from inefficient fishing practices. If not controlled properly the resources which we rely as our everyday bread will eventually become ineffective as a source of food.
10. Deforestation
Deforestation across the globe is occurring at a rapid rate since the beginning of colonization. European colonists as well as Muslim invaders swiftly destroyed forests when they created new cities as well as agriculture and the grazing. This is why Borneo, the island Borneo was wiped out of about the majority of its forests, which were an ideal habitat for various species of wildlife as well as birds. Deforestation causes the destruction of vital habitats for wildlife and plants. This results in an increase in biodiversity and the degradation of important ecosystems and an increase in greenhouse effect as a result of the reduction in photosynthesis.