Why Should We Use Eco Bags?

Educational resource on using ecological purses and bags. Why should people carry them? What issues do they solve? Their pros are that they are biodegradable and strong; they also look more attractive! When they break down they dont leave any harmful residues behind as petroleum oil does. Their usage is banned in many countries around the world because they pollute the landfills. However, there are bags that are made of biodegradable material like cornstarch or tapioca roots. They do not contain any harmful chemicals that could potentially harm humans or animals if consumed by mistake. For more, read on…

Natural Materials

Since the purses are made out of natural materials, they are more biodegradable than standard plastic bags. The process of decomposition begins immediately after the bag has been discarded. In a junkyard, they will degrade within several years and will ultimately return to the soil in which they were grown. These can also be recycled materials, which can be reused again and again. These days, many companies sell the bags in different sizes and shapes. The price is slightly higher than that of regular plastic shopping bags but it is worth paying more money as you get reusable products which would last longer than disposable plastic bags.

Eco Plastic Bags 

When you think of green shopping bags, outdoor ecological-friendly bags and large cotton reusable shopping purses appear to be the most popular. These are all very popular choices for shoppers because they are large and roomy. Although these kinds of purses do have their place in a green world, however, due to their size they are not practical for carrying smaller items. This is the time where eco plastic purses come in handy. However, you should be aware of three myths surrounding the products.

  • They’re not biodegradable. When they are discarded in the environment, they do not break down for hundreds of years.
  • They’re not always recyclable. While many people think that plastic bags can be recycled, this is only true if you live in one of a few large cities and have access to a recycling program or facility that accepts them. In most cases, plastic bags end up in landfills where they do not degrade for thousands of years.
  • Plastic pollution is a issue worldwide! It affects animals, people and our natural environment when it ends up in rivers and oceans where it floats around polluting ecosystems and killing marine life like fish or turtles who mistake it for food (because it looks like jellyfish).

More Types

  • Jute bag: This eco-friendly bag is made of jute fiber, a natural product that comes from a plant that grows in India and Bangladesh. While not biodegradable, they are 100 percent recyclable and reusable.
  • Cotton bag: They are made out of cotton, which means they have a longer life cycle than other materials such as plastic or paper. They can be recycled or reused once you’re done with them! The only downside to cotton is that it requires more water to produce than other materials like polyester or jute fibers which makes it less eco friendly than those alternatives but still better for nature than using plastic purses every time you buy something at the grocery store!
  • Paper Bag: The products are incredibly durable because they’re made up entirely from trees. After you use one up all you have to do is throw it away into your recycling bin where someone else will come along later on down the line and make another one out of those same trees! If anyone ever tells me about how wasteful this process sounds though then I just tell them about how many people die each year due AIDs related causes alone (AIDS) – did you know?

What Are The Cons to Consider?

The cons of eco-friendly bags is that you might have to make some extra effort towards making them. They have a shorter life span than their counterparts in terms of lifespan (about six months). You might need to purchase more if you are not very good at making these types of bags, so it could end up being an expensive idea. However, if you are creative enough then this can be less of a challenge because they will last longer and be cheaper in the long run.